Custom Work
Mercury 15″ Midsection Conversion
All drive shaft housings are cut to the correct length and placed in an alignment jig for welding. This is to insure the housing stays true and square through the rebuilding process. After all structural work is complete the housing is shaped and painted. All swing arms are cut to length leaving the original trim guild arm in place. An extra support is then added back to the swing arm to compensate for the metal that was cut off. The drive shaft, shift shaft and T-arm are also cut and shortened.
Complete and Painted: $1,200

16″ OMC Midsection Conversion
All drive shaft housings are cut to length and placed in an alignment jig for welding. All swing arms are cut and fitted with a new Bass Lower Bushing. The clamp bracket is fitted with a new guild to stablize the motor. The exhaust can is cut to length along with the driveshaft and shiftshaft.
Complete and Painted: $1,500

Allison Capsule Conversion
The Allison capsule conversion was designed for the Allison owner that wants a little more protection in his race boat. This is a 3-piece conversion, cockpit/dash, canopy and rear hatch. The original deck remains structurally attached to the hull. The cockpit area and dash are cut out and replaced with one that is shaped to accept the canopy and rear hatch. A Simpson 5-point harness is installed around the factory seat. This allows the Driver to stay in the cockpit in the event of an accident.
Conversion: $3,500