About Full Throttle

Full Throttle Powerboats originated as a pursuit for excellence.
In 1990, Jack Barsh started a small specialty shop for custom rigging, high performance repair, and maintenance.
At the same time, he commissioned a C-Class racing boat on the APBA offshore circuit. After two years of C-Class competition up and down the Eastern coast, Jack took Full Throttle into the business of designing and building custom, durable, high performance boats. The first manufactured boat constructed was a 35-foot offshore Cat, rigged with three 2.5 EFI offshore engines, with top speeds exceeding 112 mph. The Cat became a serious competitor in the Pro-Stock circuit.
Full Throttle Powerboats manufactures custom built race and performance pleasure boats. From one-man enclosed capsule boats to three and four seat pleasure boats, every boat is hand built to ensure quality that surpasses your highest expectations.
Since the design of the Quartershot, Full Throttle Powerboats has accumulated a number of accolades including multiple national and world championship recognition, High Point Championships and manufacturer’s awards. The pursuit of excellence that drove Full Throttle to the top of its game can be seen and is strong in every boat that we create.